A very warm welcome to you! My name is Dr Daniela Lehwaldt. I am a former nurse practitioner in cardio thoracic surgery. I currently serve as Academic Lead and Associate Professor in general nursing at Dublin City University (Ireland) in my day job. The Network is part of my voluntary nursing activities.
Chairing the Network is an amazing opportunity as we represent approximately 4000 advanced practice nurses world-wide, and the numbers are steadily growing.
The network has established itself as an international resource for the development, implementation and evaluation of advanced practice nursing roles. As Chair, I lead the ongoing work of the Network's subgroups in Practice, Education, Health Policy, Research, Alumni, Communications and the Academy of Research and Enterprise. This is an easy task as the members, directors and co-chairs are fantastic!! You can find out more about these groups activities on the website. The Core Steering Group is the Network management board. There are 12 members from different countries. I liaise closely with ICN through the Chief Nurse Officer; Dr Michelle Acorn, a great practicing Nurse Practitioner and supporter of the Network.
I am passionate about advancing our profession and involve myself in research and projects within the Network. I represent the Network at international seminars and conferences. I am also co-editing books for the Springer APN series, an exciting aspect of my work within the Network.
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