The focus of the Research Subgroup is to gather, analyze and report data on the development of the APN role worldwide.
Co-Chair Maria Kidner, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, FAANP (USA) | Co-Chair Caryn Andrews PhD, RN, FNP-BC (Israel) |
Denise Bryant-Lukosius (Canada)
Bernadette Rae (England)
Rose Collard (Netherlands)
Nuria Esandi Larramendi (Spain)
Beatriz Tosso (Brazil)
Conselo Ceron (Chile)
Carole Michalski (Switzerland)
Salma Almukhaini (Oman)
Our Values:
Commitment with accountability, knowledge with integrity, respect with openness, collaboration with advocacy.
Our Vision:
To improve patient care and population health through APN engagement in research.
Our Mission:
We are committed to provide collaboration, mentorship, support, and advocacy for increasing APN engagement in outcomes research from inception to translation into clinical practice. Individuals, workplaces, universities, and government agencies worldwide will be encouraged to participate through collaboration and sharing of evidence-based knowledge and skills to help APNs maximize their role within their respective country by participating in research that improves health care outcomes. We respect cultural diversities while advocating for the APN role implementation with integrity and accountability to the APN ICN guidelines.
Our Primary Goals:
Click HERE for general examples of areas to look for funding for your research. Also look to your workplace for potential funding. Search online for funding opportunities specific for your country, specialty, focus area. Some charities will also have their own grants.
Additional tools can be found in the document “Proposal Writing 101: Tools for Project Design” which is built for first‐time grant applicants looking to secure small grant funding. In this workbook, you will find explanations and examples of simple tools used to collect information and plan out project activities.
Research tools and ResourcesThe resesarch subgroup has curated some valuable, evidence based sources of tools and resources. Below, in no particular order, are select examples of this work. **Where the documents are available as open source, you will find the pdf available by clicking the white area highlighted in the reference. PROMIS or The Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement InformationSystem (PROMIS) is a website with over 300 reliable, valid, and standardized free survey research tools/measures of health status freely available for download and use in research, that assess physical, mental, and social well–being from the patient perspective. Tool Kit for Mixed Methods Research: Provided by the University of Manchester Available from: PEPPA Framework Advanced Practice Nursing Toolkit: The advanced practice toolkit can help a wide range of organizations and healthcare teams design and deliver high-quality, cost-effective and patient-centred services using advanced nursing roles. The toolkit uses the PEPPA Framework, a participatory, evidence-informed patient-focused process for promoting the effective introduction and evaluation of advanced practice nursing (APN) roles. Contains downloadable tools for each step of the framework (e.g., conducting a needs assessment for APN). Evidence Based Practice Implementation: A Step by Step Guide IBP Knowledge Gateway: Virtual collaboration and networking tools for health professionals connecting over 300,000 globally using the technology Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library/Research Repository (Sigma Theta Tau International): |
Research Subgroup Dissemination
Together in collegiality and embracing evidence, members of the NPAPNN subgroup have participated in generating and disseminating research relevant to advance practice globally. Below, in no particular order, are select examples of this work.
**Where the documents are available as open source, you will find the pdf available by clicking the white area highlighted in the reference.
Sastre-Fullana, P., Gray, D., Cashin, A., Bryant-Lukosis, D., Schumann, L., Geese, F, Rae, B., Duff, E., &. Bird, B. (July 2021). (International Council of Nurses NP/APN Network Research Subgroup) Visual analysis of global comparative mapping of the practice domains of the nurse practitioner/advanced practice nursing role in respondent countries. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 33(7), 496-505 doi: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000458.
International Council of Nurses NP/APN Network Research Subgroup. (March 2019). Mapping of Advanced Practice Nursing Competencies from Nineteen Respondent Countries against the Strong Model of Advanced Practice Nursing (2000) and the International Council of Nurses (2008) Advanced Practice Competencies (2013 – 2017).
Woo BFY, Zhou W, Lim, TW, Tam, WWS. (2019). Practice patterns and role perception of advanced practice nurses: A nationwide cross‐sectional study (Singapore). Journal of Nursing Management.
Wilkinson, J., Carryer, J., & Budge, C. Impact of postgraduate education on advanced practice nurse activity – a national survey (New Zealand). (2018). International Nursing Review.
Bryant-Lukosius, D. (May 2016). Advanced nursing practice roles in Switzerland: A proposed framework for evaluation - PEPPA plus - Key Concepts for Evaluation of APN Roles. (Switzerland)
Fong, J., Buckley, T., & Cashin, A. (2015). Nurse practitioner prescribing: An international perspective. Nursing: Research and Reviews. (Global)
Marshall, D. (2015). Assessing the quality of economic evaluations of clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners: A systematic review of cost-effectiveness.(Global) NursingPlus Open.
Heale R. & Rieck Buckley C. (2015) An international perspective of advanced practice nursing regulation. International Nursing Review (Global)
Pulcini, J., Jelic, M., Gul, R. & Yuen Loke, A. (2010). An international survey on advanced practice nursing education, practice, and regulation. Journal of Nursing Scholarship.
Research SG Historical Reference: Growth NP/APN Role Bibliography 1969-2007.