The communication group will be the voice of the network and provide communication through social media and the network bulletin on behalf of the ICN NP/APN Network.
The communication group chair is Jonathan Thomas |
Communication subgroup members
communication group key priorities The ICN NP/APN network was established in October 2000 by the ICN with the aim of facilitating communication with NP/APN’s The goal of the communication group is to:
The first issue of the news bulletin for the ICN NP/APNN was published in 2003; most recent issues are available to download on the Network Bulletin page of this website.
The network utilizes the news bulletin to make pertinent information and news widely available to support the development of advanced practice nursing.
social media platformsFacebook: ICN Nurse Practitioner/ Advanced Practice Nurse Network Instagram: @npapnnetwork Twitter: @ICNGlobalAPN | COntact usContact the Communication Group via the chair: Jonathan Thomas,UK |